SMEs and international competition: Free Trade Agreement or globalization?

Julien, Pierre-Andre; Joyal, Andre; Deshaies, Laurent. Journal of Small Business Management; Milwaukee Том 32, Изд. 3, (Jul 1994): 52.

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Very little research has been done to examine the effects of globalization of the economy on small businesses, except those situated in border regions (Jeanneret 1985, Ratti 1986, Maillat 1990). The problem of small exporting firms has been analyzed on a number of occasions (Nelson 1984; Miesenbrock 1988; Kathawala, Judd, Monipallil, and Weirrich 1989; Leo, Monneyer, and Philippe 1990; Chenier and Michael 1990); however, researchers have only recently begun to pay closer attention to the effects of the opening up of national borders on regions (Lesage and De la Rochefordire 1988, Laurencin and Rougier 1990) or on small business (Lefebvre and Lefebvre 1988, Rugman and Verbeke 1989, Filion 1990, OECD 1991). These latter authors conclude that, compared to most larger firms, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are generally less well-equipped to face increases in international trade. As a result of their lower productivity, many have found it difficult to compete. Also, given their limited resources, they have found it more difficult to take advantage of the removal of tariff barriers.

The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of globalization on SMEs (those with fewer than 250 employees) in three small regions of Quebec, using as starting point their behavior with respect to the 1988 Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Canada and the United States. More specifically, our aim was to discover how small firms in small regions viewed the opening up of the borders. Special attention was paid to how the SMEs reacted, either to face up to the increase in potential competition or to take advantage of reduced customs duties. The methodology used was an in-depth survey of small manufacturing firms in sectors seriously affected by the reduction of tariff barriers between Canada and the United States.

The results, initially, were surprising: only a small number of firms knew of and had taken concrete steps to counter or take advantage of the agreement. However, further analysis revealed that different actions were taken within the wider framework of economic globalization. In other words, SMEs had taken steps to reinforce their competitive position in terms of general international trade, whether with the United States or elsewhere. Another study of the diffusion of new technologies in small manufacturing firms in Quebec (Julien 1992) supports.