Bio data sample form

As an individual, you will be required to provide your biodata as a prerequisite for certain applications including but not restricted to professionals.

It is important for you to understand what a biodata typically is, what pieces of information are usually requested, and why these pieces of information are important to the individual or organization requesting them.

What is Biodata?

Also known as biographical data, a biodata typically includes a range of specific factual information about an individual. Essentially, biodata highlights a number of details about a person such as; name, age, color, height, skills, hobbies, allergies etc.

Oftentimes, this serves as a criterion for evaluating or assessing the individual in question. In many cases, a biodata is used for profiling an individual. The pieces of information referred to as biodata are usually tailored to suit the context of request.

Examples of Biodata

Examples of biodata include name, age, maiden name, contact information, date of birth, residential address, genotype, race, skills, allergies, hobbies emergency contact, and blood group, to mention a few. However, biodata examples are categorized and can’t be used in all scenarios. These would be explained below.

Name is usually the first and most important information contained in a biodata. Since a biodata typically profiles an individual, it is necessary for it to be properly assigned to the individual in question. This is why you must provide your name when completing your biodata.

Provide the title you prefer to be addressed with.

Since a biodata typically profiles a person, it is necessary to provide your date of birth too. In some selection processes involving the use of biodata, age may be a criterion for evaluating candidates. Although this might be counted as age discrimination and it’s particularly untenable in many countries, age is being used by many organizations during their selection process.

Providing your contact number or email is necessary to enable further correspondence with you. The organization requesting the biodata may need to provide feedback; especially if the biodata was used in a recruitment or selection process.

State of residence information is needed in order to correctly profile the person in question. This information is necessary; especially if the location of an individual is an important part of an evaluation process.

Some organizations may require you to provide your exact residential address when filling your biodata; although not in all cases. It is not common for you to be asked to provide your address when filling out a personal biodata.

This information is expedient. It is necessary for the organization to have details of an individual who they can contact in cases of emergency.

This information is mostly requested in an employment biodata. Employers usually ask applicants to highlight relevant skills in a job application.

This field is quite common in biodata. It cuts across the different types of biodata. This information helps you to better profile the individual in question. It also helps you to make a better judgment on their experiences as it relates to the process under consideration.

If you’re filling an educational or employment biodata, you may be required to provide information on physical challenges; if any. This will help the school or company to prepare to meet your specific needs. Many organizations have different selection and operational criteria for persons living with disabilities.

You may also be required to provide information on your marital status. Again, this helps the organization to profile you more accurately.

In a biodata, you could be asked to provide information on your religious affiliation; although this is not always the case for employment or job biodata.

Some jobs require you to meet specific specifications height-wise. Hence, you may be required to provide this information. Also, this is part of your personal data and it helps better individual profiling.

You may also be required to provide information on professional, political, and/or religious affiliations as is applicable.

In multiracial societies, a person can be asked to indicate his or her racial background as part of his or her personal information.

These bits of information are commonly requested; especially in personal biodata. It helps the organisation to draw up an even more accurate profile for you.

What is not a Biodata ?

Personal Account Information

A biodata will not require you to divulge sensitive information regarding access to your bank account(s) or social media accounts.


Biodata of any kind does not include your password(s). Your passwords are confidential and should only be known to you. If you are requested to provide your password or other sensitive information, kindly contact the organisation in question to request further clarification.

Types of Biodata

Biodata can be divided into 5 types, namely; personal biodata, educational biodata, medical

biodata, and biodata for jobs and marriage.

Personal Biodata

Personal biodata refers to a range of personal details or information about an individual. These pieces of information are key to profiling the individual in question. It is not unusual for personal biodata to be requested when you are completing certain applications.

Examples of personal biodata include but are not limited to: Name, Age, Date of Birth, Gender, Contact Information, Height, Occupation, Weight, Marital Status, Religion, and the State of Residence.

Some organizations may require you to provide information about your health as part of personal biodata. Information typically requested include blood group, genotype, and disability status.

Personal biodata may also include information about one’s family, such as the name of parents, parents’ occupation, mother’s maiden name, and parents’ residential information. You may also be asked to provide information on your next of kin.

Please note that the information requested as personal biodata may differ slightly based on the organization or institution requesting this.

Job Biodata

A job or employment biodata is a set of information with regards to an individual’s professional competencies and skills. It usually highlights the professional experiences of a person with regard to a specific job role.

Some organizations require candidates applying for a job to provide a job biodata where they highlight their skills. Sometimes, a job biodata replaces a curriculum vitae (CV) or resumé. It is used as a means of validity assessment for employers in the selection of their workforce. A job biodata contains some personal biodata plus other information.

Examples of job biodata include name, contact information, educational background, work history, skills, interests, awards, certifications, and professional qualification(s).

In providing your job biodata, you may need to start off with a professional summary.

Which Biodata Isn’t Needed for a Job?

There are certain pieces of information that are not expected to be asked for as job biodata. This is because these pieces of information do not typically reflect the professional competencies of an individual. Examples include age, state of origin, marital status, gender, religion.

This information is considered strictly personal and should not ordinarily influence the success of one’s job application.

Medical Biodata

Medical biodata refers to the medical information about an individual. Medical biodata may be requested as part of educational or recruitment criteria. Many schools require prospective candidates to provide medical biodata before admission.

Medical biodata may also be requested in the workplace. Employers would need to know the overall health status of their workers in order to create the right working environment for them. Sportsmen and sportswomen are compulsorily required to present medical biodata. In football, players must provide medical biodata and pass the medical examination before joining a team.

Examples of medical biodata include blood group, genotype, rhesus factor, information on disability, information on allergies, information on health conditions like asthma and ulcer. It is important for you to provide accurate information with regard to your medical biodata.

Marriage Biodata

Marriage biodata is also known as a matrimonial biodata or a marriage resumé. It refers to a series of in-depth information about an individual that helps the recipient determine if such an individual is an appropriate marriage partner. Providing a marriage biodata is common in countries like India where arranged marriages are popular .

In India, it is not uncommon for Hindus to provide marriage biodata before marriage. The Hindu marriage biodata is a necessary document that enables the Hindu transition from Brahmacharya (being a bachelor) to a Grihastha (householder) . This transition is part of a series of age-based lifestyle changes that followers of Hinduism are expected to go through.

In India, Hindu marriages are not just seen as a sacred union of two people. They are considered as the coming together of two families. Hindu parents take extra care to ensure that their children secure partners who reflect their family’s social and economic status. Therefore, the Hindu marriage biodata reflects the status of the family and the background of the man or woman in question.

Families take immense pride in showcasing their lifestyle and backgrounds plus the expectations they have for their children’s partners. A marriage resumé highlights the qualities of an individual which a potential partner will find attractive.

Examples of marriage biodata include name, age, family details, contact information, educational background, blood group, genotype, partner expectations, occupation, religion, height, weight, complexion, and lifestyle description.

Oftentimes, one’s photograph is considered as an integral part of marriage biodata.

Educational Biodata

Educational biodata refers to information about a person’s education. It profiles the educational qualification and background of an individual.

Educational biodata can be subdivided into two parts. These are; Student and Teacher biodata.

Student’s educational biodata refers to information about a student. It reflects the student’s level of education. You may be required to provide this information when seeking admission into institutions of learning. Schools may also require students to provide their biodata for documentation.

Examples of student’s educational biodata i nclude name, age, the highest level of education, grades, educational certifications, department, and faculty.

Teacher’s educational biodata refers to information about the educational qualification and experiences of an individual.

It is usually requested during recruitment processes. For example, if you are applying for a job as a high school teacher, you would be required to profile your educational experience.

Examples of teacher’s educational biodata include name, educational qualification, certifications, awards, work experience.

Ways to Collect Individuals’ Biodata

You can collect a person’s biodata using any of the following methods: Paper forms, online forms and interviews.

An individual’s biodata can be collected using paper forms. These forms already contain fields requesting certain information.

The information contained in paper biodata forms is tailored to the type of biodata. Paper forms can be distributed to individuals to fill and return within a specific time.

You can also collect biodata of individuals through online forms. This is a faster and more effective data collection method. Online data gathering platforms like Formplus allow you to request biodata from individuals . It provides a biodata form template that you can use for data collection.

You can also use the Formplus builder to create custom biodata forms for your organization.

Conducting interviews is one of the most popular methods of biodata collection. During interviews, the interviewer asks the interviewee for certain pieces of information in line with the stated purpose of the interview.

Oral interviews are typically structured as conversations between two or more persons. Such interviews can typically last between 15 minutes and 60 minutes.

The aim of the interview is usually to gather adequate information about an individual in line with already stipulated criteria.

How to Collect Biodata with Online Forms

Depending on the type of biodata you want to gather, you can include the biodata fields as part of your data collection process or have a separate online form for data capture.

Biodata forms are one of the most popular types of forms you would find online. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to capture biodata using Formplus.

Access Formplus Builder

Formplus builder allows you to create different types of custom forms including biodata forms. To access Formplus builder, you will need to create an account on Formplus.

Once you do this, sign in to your account and click on “Create Form ” to begin.

Edit Form Title

Customize Form

Formplus builder allows you to add unique features to your biodata form. You can customize your form in the builder’s customize section.

Here, you can add background images, your organization’s logo, and other features. You can also change the display theme of your form.

Save your biodata form and share the link with respondents.

Why are Online Biodata Forms better than Paper Forms?

These days, organizations prefer to collect individuals’ biodata using online forms created via data gathering platforms like Formplus.

Data collection through online forms is easier and more effective than collecting data with printed forms. Here are some reasons while online biodata forms are better than paper forms.

Biodata gathering using online forms is easier and more convenient. Online forms can be completed anywhere once the respondents have an internet-enabled device.

You can process thousands of responses in minimal time. You can also monitor easily and analyse responses almost immediately.

In addition, respondents do not have to be physically present in order to fill in their biodata.

You can share the unique form link to thousands of persons at the same time. You can add and delete fields with little or no inconvenience. It eliminates the need for the time-consuming process of making PDF forms accessible.

Data gathering platforms like Formplus use password protection and encryption to protect your data. This means that you don’t need to bother about losing your information.

Online forms are often stored in a secure database and cannot be affected by physical elements like water or fire. In cases of burglary, you are sure that your data will not be lost or tampered with. You also get more control over your data.

You can choose who has access to your data and who can manage and edit your forms.

Since online forms are easily accessible, it is more convenient for respondents to complete them. This leads to faster response time.

You would save the money needed for printing thousands of copies of biodata forms.


There are different situations that would require an individual to provide one or more types of biodata. As already highlighted in this article, these situations can range from professional to educational.

It is important to know the kinds of information that are required with each type of biodata. This way, you will know what information to provide and what not to provide when you are asked to fill in any type of biodata.

As an organization, it is easier and more efficient to collect biodata using online forms. You can create your custom online biodata form using Formplus builder.



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